Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Chubby Little Loser

This is for laughing.

From Ricky Gervais' Extras, Season 2. In which he plays a career extra who then stars in a horribly middle brow sitcom where he wears a wig, Sally Jesse Raphael glasses and blurts out the worst catch phrase ever. Here he is enjoying an evening out as a VIP.

And here he attempts to audition for a play being directed by Ian McKellen.
Again, for laughing.

Monday, February 26, 2007

A Song for An Ad For A Feeling, I Don't Know What (Window in the Skies)

Ever seen something you were sure was a World Cup/Super Bowl/Olympics ad for Coca Cola or Kodak that was framed by a song that made you feel full of goodness and light but made you suspect some sinister, corporate undertow at work?
Ever seen that kind of thing but different sort of...where the song makes you try to remember some other, older song that never existed...where it is full of the glory and light of music itself but also the passage of time and the somewhat beautiful sad sad sadness that best describes the state of the planet? With a Kindersurprise to boot?

Here. Look. Really.

The Kindersurprise is really good. Did you find it?

Duly and Lovingly Noted Therein:
David Byrne's Shoe Tapping and Boombox
Arcade Fire at Coachella
Young Van Morrison, Breaking It Down
Iggy Pop's Circulatory system
Nina Simone
Baby Keith Richards
Patti Smith

Mom, can you find your friend Flava Flav?

It's ok to feel this good.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Hellhound at my heels

I wanted to change my blog address, but shortening the blog title would result in something approaching erotic fiction: slowlycomes, slowcomes, slowcome, slowlycoming, et ceterae. So I thought, how about I beckon forth ye olde hellhound. Why not!
I considered:

Anyway, the hellhound was abandoned too.
Sorry, little guy, but I know you're always there when I need you.

Sometimes I have to consciously try so hard to elicit the kind of creative farckle (def.: the lint on your sweater) that used to come so effortlessly once upon a time that I convince myselt that I have lost my true person utterly.

Anyway, I'm back.
Yer pal,