Monday, April 16, 2007

Mijares and Will Ferrell

Please note that Mr. Ferrell is wearing a Mijares t-shirt. This will mean something to you if you grew up in Pasadena. Mijares is Pasadena landmark restraurant and they serve is red-sauce, white-people Mexican food. But it's good. Stiff margaritas. Mijares has a bar where middle aged single alcoholics go for happy hour. In high school when you went to Mijares with your family, you looked at the ground when you walked by the bar. You didnt want to become one of those people. I am thereby announcing a field trip to Mijares.


Anonymous said...

I want a Mijares t-shirt now !
You are right, except that I would expand the clientele to include lots of Catholics. Long ago their avocado salad dressing was so good. Enchiladas Rancheras. That was my dish. I am homesick now. Thanks a lot.

Anonymous said...


robyn said...

we had deep fried ice cream there. it was kind of disgusting and i'd like some more, please.

robyn said...

also, there was a picture of w. ferrell in the a pool in a bathing cap with his fro hanging out the sides on the front of the campus newspaper this week. he was taking part in some usc charity event (he being one of our illustrious alumni). hot.