Friday, May 13, 2005

Traumatic Brain Injury....and you!

I just got home into hazy nighttime Vancouver from Washington state following a two day sojourn at the Seattle Sheraton for "Brain Injuries: The Conference". I added on the colon, it was just called "Brain Injuries". This was my first conference experience. I spent the first five minutes glaring at the back of one fake-n-bake peroxide blonde in high heels and a booby bib in the front row whose name tag denoted her affiliation to be as RN. I was mortified.
Today in one session on managing challenging behaviors in brain injury patients, the lecturer played us a video of a man going apeshit during physical therapy and calling the RNs and PTs bitches and quentes and his head looked like someone had pushed in on one side with a very large thumb.
There was a knowing laugh that spread amongst the people. How odd that I belong to this community now. I drew pictures of stick people banging on drum kits during most of this session, then I had two episodes of tinnitus (in which I heard someone sigh in my ear, no joke, as well as ringing) so I imbibed a Perrier and was healed.

People with traumatic brain injury have been known to speak in tongues.


(the above is an outburst witnessed at my workplace. This was then immediately followed by the screamer falling into a deep sleep.)

This is a somewhat hyper post. I have edited it as I have annoyed myself with myself.
FYI to JEB: there is a saying amongst RNs and Physicians in trauma/code scenarios:
"Less than 8, intubate!" which means, if someone has a Glasgow Coma Scale rating of 8 or less, the hour has come for deep intervention.
I would like you all to know that.


jlew said...

Lebz: My house tonight at 9pm. Call me biznatch! xoxo, jlew

SHL said...

10-4. O and Out

HypnoKitten said...

I put a link up to you from my nusing blog at - check it out if you like. Keep blogging! :)

Anonymous said...
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robyn said...

wow. flamed by an illiterate. nurse lebo, your blog has become NOTORIOUS.

i know it was tough for you to choose between nursing and investment banking, but that in the end, you decided to go for the money and i think we can see with the fake "JLEW"s entry here, that your decision was the right one. because in what other profession can you be a highly-educated, intelligent, compassionate and graceful human being working 12 hour shifts and still have to deal with shit like this.

oh, and, uh, save lives.

SHL said...

Thank you, thank you...
now, if I can only find a troll to flame me re: my RoSith comments...if you go to Lisa the Fox Film Research Director's website on my links, and look at her post on Star Wars, there is a real troll who wrote intense long diatribes. That, my friend, is NOTORIOUS.
Sparkle MOtion.

jlew said...

Wow. I know that I am way cool, but it's a real bore having to deal with horrible people wanting to BE ME all the time, y'know what I'm sayin? Especially horrible people with a poor grasp on the English language and not even the decent sense to hide their IP address when they post.

Anonymous said...

yes, please look at their IP adress and report them to the web police. The web police will trace them and throw them to cyberspace!