We took Dad into the Washington high desert
for birthday reasons
(And yes, they are *both* wearing Old People Eye Surgery Glasses (TM)...American Apparel will be out with their own version soon)
Neko Case came on minus a bass player but plus the bass of Ghostland Observatory spilling over the hill down onto her stage, which really made a mess of things
The lead guy in Citizen Cope looks depressed
Maybe it's because their fan base is majority ruled by shirtless frat bros and their blond bikini hippie-skirted ho's
Dad says if you are a relatively unknown band, you should not banter, as the Long Winters did, saying: "Now it's time to bring out the blue shiny guitar" or make morals to songs like "You should never fall in love with a rock star" and I think this advice is prudent and should be heeded.
Hanna thought I was douchebag for wanting to leave after the Arcade Fire and before Bjork was done but I couldnt stand up without moving when the wind blew and the Blanket Dancers (TM) were working themselves into a frenzy (N.B.: these are the people who dance with a blanket half wrapped around their bodies, and not Bjork's choir who were wearing neon parachute blanket-balloon suits) so I thought it was time.
The wind shut the mainstage down on the the second day. The lights were rolling like they were on waves. Plug got pulled on Polyphonic Spree mid-cheesy choir chorus. So we didn't see Spoon or Interpol or Beastie Boys or Michael Franti . Apparently, in the end they came on at 9 PM and played half-sets and the wind was still going. Anyway, Sasquatch is one of the last places in the country to expect audience participation as regards political outrage, so I don't know how Michael Franti and his heavy-handed self-hero-worship would work anyway. Ten dollars for a tall of Coors was the most outrage people exhibited. Dad said he almost got arrested for bringing in his own water. I think that was his way of bringing the noise.
Mom said the guy in Bad Brains
looks like half of the homeless mentally ill
Dad said Bad Brains were
taking whitey's wallet for a ride
I just think they suck
Mom said Polyphonic Spree might be good if it weren't for the
60 mph winds
Dad just gave them the thumbs down
So to you and to Hanna
I am sorry for the gong show but you are troopers.
Let us say then (or I will say it to myself) that at least we had Manu and the Arcade Fire and a Gospel brunch; that you got to experience the pit and at 59 and 60 years old, that isn't half bad (even if it freaked you out); fashion faux pas too numerous to describe, conversations overheard from tent to tent best unremembered, wind and crazy river Gorges, Of Montreal in the tent in the morning, Trader Joe's, and Sarah Silverman's diarrhea joke.
I should have known better.
Randy Quaid said it best:
Shitter's full!