Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Ativan plus Supershuttle = Vancouver

Like IV fluid, but for mouths
Originally uploaded by Sarah Lebo.
I snowed myself with Ativan yesterday AM prior to departure. Folks, I actually slept on a plane for two and a half hours. I don't remember hearing the engines idle down on descent, nor the captain announcing Mt St Helen's on the right nor the beverage service or the snoring of the snowboarders in the row ahead of me. I believe I have found my ideal dose friends, and it is two point five mgs of lorazepam (my Rx is for 0.5).
Pops and Gaga picked me up in the newest Lebomobile - a 1990 blue-grey Jetta diesel complete with ipod jack!
Gaga (in Gorton's-fisherman-yellow rainwear) welcomed me and then commenced discussion of the H5N1 virus and it's presence in Southeast Asia as pertains to my sister's imminent departure to said region. Then we had hot and sour soup, dry fried green beans, braised tofu and later, over the Daily Show, a mild Chianti. Oh, and my sister didnt know I was coming so that was a good surprise.

For your convenience, I found a painting of hot and sour soup. It might actually be from the author of the famed Everybody (active verb) series (e.g. Everybody Poops, etc), not sure.
the way in which the artist has plumbed the tofu-rich depths of the broth is admirable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My name is Craig Hannah and i would like to show you my personal experience with Ativan.

I have taken for 6 years. I am 37 years old. GREAT FOR INSOMNIA......Great for Manic stages of Bi-Polar..It's really is the only drug I can take without any side effects..I cannot even take asprin without feeling it..I have OCD and have severe sensitivity to meds, this one is great.

Side Effects :
None.....Miracle drug...onset of 20/30 minutes, peak of 1 to 3 hrs...it will erase your memory if u take it in large doses...made that mistake once..Been on and off of it since 2001. I don't get addictive to it. I only take .05 2 x a day for controlling High Blood Pressure, Anxiety and IBS..I sometimes can get away with breaking the 0.5mg down into 4 equal doses.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Craig Hannah