Monday, January 24, 2005

O My Meaty Palms

When your body feels as if you've been beaten with a lumpy piece of wood after spending two days painting and scraping an old room in an old grey jail in Venice into the shape of something resembling a bosom for the verbal development and tutoring of youth (the meat of your palms bruised somehow, upper right chest wall spasming) it means you need to maintain a regular exercise regimen, and it means you should have done it several years previously.

But it is all done with great sincerity and effort, Lo! for 826LA, even when it pertains to waiting with great patience in a Cost Plus (that microcosm of English-style customer service, wicker and foreign chocolates) for your car to be loaded with tables and for the employees to inform you that they cannot supply you with anything to tie your trunk down in spite of the fact (and you point this out) that Cost Plus itself was born from the notion that millions could be made from the sale of twine, jute, ribbon and raffia.

I want to tell you a great little story taken from Sunday afternoon, but I'm not going to because I dont know how to do it appropriately. I can give you an analogy instead and you can just use those deductive reasoning skills you honed long ago:
Doretta: On Sunday, through a series of circumstances, you commence to eating vegetarian papaya dogs with Philip Seymour Hoffman. Karen, for you, you go shopping for Aerobeds at Target with D. F. Wallace....

Ok. Ok fine. No.. Wait.. I retract!

Today while hiding in my patient's room from absolutely nothing at all, my patient and I watched Elmo's World together. On Elmo's World, children were having their training wheels removed and they were riding bikes unaided for the first time. The boy and I exchanged brief stories of when we learned to do the same thing. Me, I went hurdling into the holly bushes. My patient fell into a ditch in his backyard.


JEB said...

Did you and King D paste an envelope of Franklins onto a random sequoia? Galecki would approve.

SHL said...

I believe the reference "Galecki" refers to the particular kind of hair that DE has. It is similar (but not really) to that of actor Johnny Galecki, who played Darlene's sappy boyfriend on Roseanne.
It might be a reference I created? I don't remember.

robyn said...

sarah: i like the not-writing-about-something-but-then-writing-about-it.


me, i two-wheeled for the first time solo with flying colours until i spotted my mom on the other side of the track and realised that i was two-wheeling solo for the first time at which point i promptly crashed. there's a lesson here, but i refuse to learn it.